+65 6276 2312 / +65 9855 8795


ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015

The Long awaited ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 had been released on 15 Sept 2015. Certified clients are given a grace period to upgrade to the new version. With our expertise and many years of experience in the ISO industry in Singapore, Malaysia, India and Brunei, programs and plans can be put in place as early as this year to Ensure that you have a smooth conversion.

From training the Management team on the new requirements and to understand fully what the Risk Based thinking approach means, to how leadership can be demonstrated more effectively to comply with the new standard requirements, our services are a must for those who are tasked to implement or upgrade to the latest revision.

We also provide in-house workshop to guide and assist clients in the upgrade exercise. Workshop can be customised to meet different client requirements based on the relevant activities, level of Risk at the various processes, and the risk appetite that is inherent for that particular industry or context of the Organisation.

We adopt our own customized methodology termed as 'UGRAP' to ensure that this 2015 transition will be an enjoyable & value added one for you.

Audit Transition / Implementation / Upgrading Workshops

Our Customized 2015 service package Include:

  • 2 days Auditor Transition to meet 2015 requirements
  • 1/2 day awareness training for top management & to prepare for audit interviews
  • 1 day implementation workday for ISO Committee
  • 1 day business Continuity management to address Risk & Opportunities
  • UGRAP - Fully Supported package until certification

  • UGRAP - Up Grading with Risk based Approach Process.

    20+ years of experience with strong team of highly professionals

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