Our Services
- ISO 9001 QMS
- ISO 14001 EMS
- OHSAS 18001 SMS
- ISO/TS 16949
- ISO 13485
- Supplementary Courses
- Value Added Courses
- Upgrade 2015
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Supplementary Courses
Many things can go wrong in the complex environment of the workplace; every day there are opportunities to make mistakes that will results in defective products.
Defects are wasteful, and if they are not discovered, they disappoint the customer's expectation of quality. Behind mistake-proofing is the conviction that it is not acceptable to produce even a single defective product.
To become a world-class competitor, an organisation must adopt a philosophy and practices of producing zero defects. Mistake-Proofing methods are one of the proven means for achieving this goal
Course Objectives
This course will enable the participants to:
• understand the concept of zero quality control environment and mistake-proofing concepts and how mistake-proof systems and devices are applied to prevent mistakes from becoming defects
• select and acquire the use of various mistake-proof methods in different situations
Course Content
• Zero Quality Control (ZQC)
• Product Inspection
• Understanding Mistake-Proofing
• Environmental management programme development
• Generate and implement mistake-proofing solutions
• The Cultural Elements
Who should attend
Personnel who are involved in management system, quality system & control, production planning & control, purchasing, project development are encouraged to attend.
Background of Quality Tools and Techniques
There are two key areas that are clearly evident in the ISO 9001 standard, i.e. knowing your customer and continual improvement. In order for companies to provide an evident for process / product continual improvement, the proper and adequate use of correct tools and techniques are important. This course provides the participants with a primer on Total Quality Management tools, techniques, and methods. Tools and techniques are essential for the continual improvement process that is a mandatory requirement to comply with the ISO 9001 standard. Tools make it possible to accomplish work; make meaningful measurements; and analyse, visualize, and understand information. Techniques help you to organize and accomplish quality analysis in a structured and systematic manner.
Who needs to implement and use Quality Tools?
This course will discuss in detail the scope and application of quality tools and techniques. These tools are representative of those that can be used to improve any process and are presented to provide an awareness of what they are, why they are used, and how to use them. It is hence applicable to any company who wish to adopt the correct tools and techniques in controlling, measuring and analysing system, process or product performance. With the ISO 9001 standard emphasising on continual improvement and measuring customer satisfaction, these tools and techniques will surely be applicable to both the service, supplies and manufacturing industries again.
Course Objectives
This course is specially designed to provide participants with comprehensive understanding of:
• The correct use of statistical techniques in the ISO 9001 standard.
• The various important quality tools and techniques
• Their application and when use.
Course Content
• The importance of using Quality tools and techniques.
• Managing the improvement process
• Detail introduction to the how, when and where use of quality tools and techniques including Cause and Effect, Control by facts, Histogram, Pareto Chart, Brainstorming, Cost of Quality etc.
Who should attend
Personnel who are involved in the day-to-day operations and their areas of work could affect the deliverables of products and services. Any Quality, Production or Process personnel who are responsible for the effective use and maintenance of quality tools and techniques to achieve continual improvement of the overall management system.
Statistical Control chart techniques deal with on-line control methods in which it is necessary to determine if the process is in a state of statistical control. Adjustments are made on the process as data from the process are collected and analyzed to determine the Process State. Although this method is no doubt useful, it nevertheless provides an action-taking framework in the phase when the product is manufactured or in the phase of service.
A design of experiment (DOE) is proactive technique in which a test or series of test in which purposeful changes are made to the input variables of a process so that we can observe and identify corresponding changes in the output response. DOE is an important engineering tool for improving a process. It also has extensive application in the development of new process.
The application of DOE is the most important tool use in the Six Sigma Breakthrough Methodologies.
Course Objectives
This interactive course will enable the participants to understand the principle and concept of DOE, and correctly apply this methodology to:
• Improve yield
• Reduced variability
• Reduced development time
• Reduced overall cost and improves profitability
Course Content
• Introductions and Principle of Design of Experiments
• Statistics for DOE
• Analysis Of Variance (ANOVA)
• One-Factor Experiment
• Full experiments and Screening experiments
• Application of Full Factorial Design of experiments, Factional Factorial experiments design
• Process Optimization Studies
Who should attend
Personnel who are involved in management system, quality system & control, production planning & control, purchasing, project development are encouraged to attend.
Course Objectives
This two-day course is designed to develop an basic knowledge on six sigma methodology. Upon completion of this course, participants will able to understand basics and 5W/1H concept in six sigma.
Course Content
• What is Six Sigma?
• Neccessity of Six Sigma
• Six Sigma fundamental logic
• Management commitment
• Business strategy on Six Sigma
• How to select a Six Sigma Project?
• Six Sigma failure stories
Who should attend
Personnel who are involved in quality management, cost of quality, finance, production planning & control, purchasing, administration, human resources are encouraged to attend.
Course Objectives
This two-day course specially designed to equip participants with understanding of Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing (GD & T) applications. Drawings with GD & T symbols will be shown as examples and participants will take a written assignment at the end of the session.
Active discussion will be held between participants and facilitator on the practical application of GD & T. Participant may bring their own drawings and samples to understand GD & T symbols and measurement.
Course Content
• Brief introduction on GD & T
• Basic Concepts involved
• Why we use GD & T?
• Controlling size and form
• Datum features and datum reference
• Orientation control
• Location control
• Tolerance Interpretation
• Critical and assembly dimension understanding
Who should attend
Personnel who are involved in quality control, first article measurement, production control and design are encouraged to attend.
Why Cost Of Quality?
With global competition, companies are finding that success depends on their ability to satisfy customers' changing requirements - quickly and efficiently. To do this, they must be committed to continuous quality improvement in their processes, products and services. As Quality is the key to their achieving a competitive edge against their competitors, an increasing number of customers are looking for quality excellence in products / services in terms of speed, accuracy, reliability and other implied features.
To achieve quality excellence and to combat problems of inefficiencies, companies must change. Ultimately, it is about increasing productivity and profits, as quality improvements will reduce a company's cost of quality (COQ). COQ in this training is defined as the total cost of ensuring product and service quality. It comprises two major components, i.e. the cost of conformance and the cost of non-conformance.
Course Objectives
This course is specially prepared to provide participants with comprehensive understanding of:
• The concept of COQ
• The Quality Cost items
• The methods for collecting, analysing and reporting of cost information
Course Content
• What is COQ? Why COQ?
• What it should and should not be
• Understanding and identifying Quality Cost items
• Methods for collecting and reporting of cost information
• Analysing and Reporting of cost information
• How to improve quality and reduce costs
Who should attend
Personnel who are involved in the daily operations and play a key role in reducing waste and improving quality through identifying areas for continual improvement. Any Quality, Production or Process personnel who are responsible for reducing cost for their department and establishing a system for COQ measurement should attend.
Course Objectives
This two-day course is designed to equip participants with an understanding and implementation of QFD.
This course focus on meeting customer requirements and expectations through QFD. More exercise involved during this two days course. Case studies will be discussed with participants.
Course Content
• QFD basics and concepts
• Voice of customer
• Develop QFD customer requirements section
• QFD process implementation
• Develop QFD technical requirements section
• Identify the priority of items by reviewing the matrix QFD
• Forming team for QFD projects
Who should attend
Personnel who are involved in product design, engineering, quality, project, purchase, manufacturing are encouraged to attend.
Course Objectives
This one day course is designed to equip participants an understanding and implementation of PPAP. This course brief on purpose, structure and requirements of PPAP.
Upon completion of this course, participants will able to do part approval process according to PPAP requirements.
Course Content
• PPAP scope, definition and purpose
• Why PPAP submission needed?
• Requirements for part approval
• Submission levels
• Process requirements
• Records and master samples retention
• Part submission status
• Forms used in PPAP
Who should attend
Personnel who involve in product design, engineering, quality, project, purchase, manufacturing are encouraged to attend.
Course Objectives
This one day course is designed to equip participants an understanding and implementation of PPAP. This course brief on purpose, structure and requirements of PPAP. Upon completion of this course, participants will able to do part approval process according to PPAP requirements.
Course Content
• PPAP scope, definition and purpose
• Why PPAP submission needed?
• Requirements for part approval
• Submission levels
• Process requirements
• Records and master samples retention
• Part submission status
• Forms used in PPAP
Who should attend
Personnel who involve in product design, engineering, quality, project, purchase, manufacturing are encouraged to attend.
To be competitive, organisation must continually improve. Failure Mode and Effect Analysis is a technique that offers a methodology to facilitate process improvement.
The technique of FMEA was first developed for use in the aerospace and defense industries and was then widely adopted as one of the key improvement tool in various industries such as the automotive, electronics, etc. In addition, this technique is use in the Six Sigma Breakthrough Methodology initiatives.
FMEA is a systematic and analytical quality planning tool for identifying, at the product, service and process design stages, what potentially could go wrong and their associated causes either with a product during its manufacture or end-use by the customer or with the provision of a service.
Properly executed FMEAs will improve internal and external customer satisfaction in addition to the bottom line of organisations.
Course Objectives
This interactive course will enable the participants to:
• understand the principle and concept of FMEA, and correctly apply this methodology for use in design or process or service environment.
• apply a structural approach to any improvements and problem solving processes and formalises the mental discipline during these processes.
Course Content
• Introduction to FMEA
• Methodology and steps in developing and applying an FMEA
• Process, Design and Service FMEA
• Implementation Strategies
• Control and Reaction Plans Methodology
Who should attend
Personnel who are involved in product design, engineering, quality, project, purchase, manufacturing are encouraged to attend.
To be competitive, organisation must continually improve. Failure Mode and Effect Analysis is a technique that offers a methodology to facilitate process improvement.
The technique of FMEA was first developed for use in the aerospace and defense industries and was then widely adopted as one of the key improvement tool in various industries such as the automotive, electronics, etc. In addition, this technique is use in the Six Sigma Breakthrough Methodology initiatives.
FMEA is a systematic and analytical quality planning tool for identifying, at the product, service and process design stages, what potentially could go wrong and their associated causes either with a product during its manufacture or end-use by the customer or with the provision of a service.
Properly executed FMEAs will improve internal and external customer satisfaction in addition to the bottom line of organisations.
Course Objectives
This interactive course will enable the participants to:
• understand the principle and concept of FMEA, and correctly apply this methodology for use in design or process or service environment.
• apply a structural approach to any improvements and problem solving processes and formalises the mental discipline during these processes.
Course Content
• Introduction to FMEA
• FMEA fundamentals and principles
• Compare and contrast the different types of FMEA
• Implementation Strategies
Who should attend
Personnel who are involved in product design, engineering, quality, project, purchase, manufacturing are encouraged to attend.
Statistical process control (SPC) & Measurement Systems Analysis (MSA) are widely accepted as one of the means to control process through the use of statistical methods. There are four main uses of SPC:
• To achieve process stability
• To provide guidance on how the process may be improved by reduction of variation
• To assess the performance of a process
• To provide information to assist with management decision-making
Course Objectives
This interactive course will enable the participants to:
• understand the principle and concept of SPC & MSA.
Course Content
• Introduction to quality concept
• Basic Statistics
• Basic SPC Concepts
• Control Chart
• Traditional Variable & Attribute Charts
• Other SPC Charts
• Process Capability
• Management aspects of MSA
• Preparation and planning for an MSA
• Producer & Consumer Risks
• Measurement Uncertainity
Who should attend
Personnel who are involved in product design, engineering, quality, project, purchase, manufacturing are encouraged to attend.
Basic Statistics Process Control(SPC) is a comprehensive and yet simple 1 day course tailor to individuals, including technician and engineers whom do not want to be bogged down with mathematics and statistics but like to acquire with adequate practical knowledge for them to solve day to day problems and control the process.
Course Objectives
This interactive course will enable the participants to:
• understand the principle and concept of SPC.
Course Content
• Understanding of Statistics
• Control Chart
• Attributes Control Chart
• Variable Control Chart
• How to read the Control Charts
• Understanding Process Capability(Cp) and Process Capability Index(Cpk)
Who should attend
Personnel who are involved in product design, engineering, quality, project, purchase, manufacturing are encouraged to attend.
Course Objectives
This one-day course is designed to equip participants with an understanding and implementing Caliberation & metrology Systems.
Upon completion of this course, participants will able to interpret metrology & caliberation terms and implement accordingly.
Course Content
• What is Caliberation?
• What is Metrology?
• Traceability methods
• Accuracy concepts
• Types of error
• Precision and Accuracy
• Traceability in Caliberation
• Caliberation Programme
• Units theory
• Exercise
Who should attend
Personnel who are involved in quality, design, tooling, testing, measurements, instrumentation are encouraged to attend.